Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More Bad Luck

I came home tonight and immediately took the dogs for a walk. While we were walking I noticed Mira's tail was hanging limp. I tried to pick it up and when I let it go it dropped as if there was no muscle tone left in it at all. After a frantic call to Kendra, we have to go in for X-rays tomorrow. My best description of it was "it looks like one of those fake tails you pin on yourself for halloween, you know it just hangs there". And of course as soon as I try to photograph her she gets all suspicious and won't cooperate. Wait until I betray her by leaving her at the vet tomorrow again! Poor Mira

Mira not wanting to sit on her broken tail
This is how it "hangs"
Back views

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

I'm also on my 3rd replacement phone. Yes that's right its the 3rd one that hasn't worked. Apparently there is a policy that you must try 4 times before they let you change models. Not give you your money back but pick another crappy windows based phone. Anyone who is wondering - get the iphone. sigh.


Paws on the Run said...

Poor Mira. How Bizarre. Let us know how it goes tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like "limber tail syndrome" or "dead tail syndrome" I think a lot of the sporting breeds get it... usually vets send the dogs home with "rest and relaxation" on the to do list with some anti-inflammatory meds. Hope she feels better!

onecollie said...

poor Mira, poor you!...bet you can hardly wait for Fri. night huh!

Sarah said...

It is called "dead tail" or "limp tail", Kaleb has had it before from the cold weather, and for him he was also wet, (Lizs FCRs as well as other hunting dogs i know have had it too) i wouldn't get it xrayed, it should just go away in a couple days, until then she'll just look pathetic, imagine Kaleb not being able to wag his tail, it was sad, but got better :)

miradukesadie said...

Thank You!!!!! I googled dead tail syndrome and it sounds exactly like what Mira has! Except they say it usually comes after hard exercise and well Mira is kind of slow! lol. But it also said it occurs more in the hunting breeds, and she is part flatcoat!!! We will do some watchful waiting.