I think it started when I came home on Monday and discovered that I hadn't shut the door to the spare room which contained all my Christmas presents. The ones that I had so carefully chosen months before Christmas and painstakingly wrapped with love. Destroyed by viscous dogs, angry at me for being late. Amongst those gifts was a 50 piece box of Lindor chocolates. I emphasize was. I found every single foil carefully unwrapped and discarded for the contents within. They also had fun with a gift intended for Dustin's niece, a stuffed dog set. Interestingly, there were 4 dogs in the set and I only found the mauled remnants of one.
Then I got sick. Mucus plugged hacking my lungs out, staying home from work sick. Except for the 3 hours that I had to go in for as there was no coverage. I hope none of you got prescriptions from my pharmacy today from about 9-12 or you might have taken home a little more then you paid for!
Then my beautiful new phone died. After numerous attempts at contacting the "help" desk, I'm sure my file is flagged irate customer, I actually got a new one from the store. No I couldn't just go to the mall where I purchased it from, I had to go to the frigin' industrial park not once but twice because they are the only ones apparently knowledgeable to do an exchange. I mean literally taking my defective phone and handing me another one in a box. So now I'm in the processes of uploading all my info into the phone again. This requires me calling all the software companies that I downloaded from and telling them that I have switched devices and am not trying to steal their software. This is fine except today apparently is the U.S. thanksgiving and NO one is answering the phone!
Then I get home to discover that I missed garbage pick up and am stuck with an overflowing garbage bin until next Friday. So this weeks garbage will be piling up in my garage, and I'll probably never get caught up.
I also missed my doctor's appointment tonight, as the appointment info was in my defective phone that I had to give to the freaks up in the industrial park. They then told me they could schedule me in to walk in clinic tonight. So I go home and drive back 2 hours later only to be told by the Dr. that she couldn't help me in walk in and I would have to schedule an appointment with my regular dr. This was followed by me bursting into tears and demanding the prescription that I know I needed, which didn't go over so well. Needless to say I left sans prescription and an appointment for 2 weeks from now with my regular dr.
Upon returning home tonight I sank into my couch and instantly caught the distinctive whiff of vomit. Now I'm washing my couch cushions while quietly sobbing waiting for my husband to get home. Who by the way had to be coaxed home as he was avoiding his crabby wife.
I guess when you hit rock bottom, there is no where but up.................right?
The remaining mauled stuffed dog - I believe it was some sort of Maltese.
The individually unwrapped Lindor chocolates A panned out view of the destruction - yes those are all wrappers
Oh Sandy. I can be right over with booze if you want!!!!
Oh man, I wish I would have read this earlier!!! I forgot to mention that the dogs also broke my pocket door to the bathroom. The only fix is to cut out the drywall so I hope you guys aren't shy this friday!!!!
wow what a week, if it makes you feel any better, i missed garbage day too - i was putting out our bin as the garbage truck had just finished our alley SIGH.
the other things i'll just have to sympathize with, if I ever have a bad week, i'll just go back and read this post :)
at least it all happened at once ??! ?? !! :)
That is one bad week. Look at the bright side - there's only up from here on out!
Aww Sandy! That sucks, sucks, sucks!!!! I know where there is a garbage bin... Natalie won't mind will she? I hope everything gets better. I have booze too if it will help!
oh Sandy..you poor poor girl...I am sooo very sorry that I laughed all through your post, but I couldn't help it! How could so many things go so wrong for one person!
My advice, take Wendy up on the offer for booze, she's lots of fun to be around when you're just not having a good day/week!!
Hope you feel better soon!
could have been worse right??
at least there wasn't lindor diarrhea all over your house...
Thanks everyone - Things are looking up. Dustin is fixing the broken door, presents are re-bought and wrapped and I still have my job lol!
Oh and Amanda - try lindor vomit on my couch - which came out surprisingly well in the wash!
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