Thursday, January 15, 2009

Insert Foot Here

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth, to say things that should really stay private thoughts, and to then feel really bad about them for longer then necessary. Today was one such day. It was staight out of a T.V. show, you know the one where the girl writes an inapriopriate email about someone and mistakenly sends it to that person. Then they are frozen in horror and try uselessly to hit the delete button, like some how that is going to reach cyber space and snatch the email back into your outbox. Yes that girl was me. And the best part was that when I got home from work I got a nice email back from said person in which my snide remark was quoted directly. Now I'm delaying stuttering through an apology that will undoubltley end in me feelling like an ass for monthes to come.
This must be why I love dogs so much, they are so uncomplicated.


onecollie said...

don't ya just hate when that happens??!!
hope you can resolve it so you don't have to live with the stress.

Diana said...

I have that foot in mouth thing too. Im just so glad dogs cant speak. Diana

Anonymous said...

OMG! Seriously, between you, me and Bobbi, yesterday was a bad day for all of us. Bobbi suggested we take up drinking, you in?

Sarah said...

booze sounds great!