Saturday, October 11, 2008

Smart dog?

I think my dogs are smart. Granted I think some are smarter then others, but I don't think anyone of them are unintelligent. However, I believe we all have our "blonde moments", dogs included. Then every once in a while a blonde moment keeps repeating and you begin to doubt their intelligence level.

Case and point, we have a little electric fireplace that Sadie LOVES. She might actually be a bit obsessed with it. She knows we refuse (usually) to turn it on in the summer despite her frantic pleas. She will sit by it and pound on the handle to let us know she would like it on. Lately its been getting colder and I have allowed her to "have a fire". Smart dog right?

I decided to re-arrange the living room slightly and in the final decor the fireplace got moved. In its place sits a little end table.


Endtable - see the difference?

That same day I found her banging on the end table's leg. At first I thought she saw some food on the top, but she would then politely sit beside the table and look at me expectantly, like she does with her fire. The first time I laughed and put her on her bed by the fire and turned it on, thinking that was the end of it. Nope. She keeps repeating this little ritual and I keep placing her by the fire across the room. Silly girl.

Then again maybe she's smarter then I think and just telling me to put the friggin' fire back where it was! =)


onecollie said...

I think you're right, she wants it back where it was...I agree with Sadie, it looks better beside the couch!
Smart dog!

Sarah said...

you'll never outsmart a terrier, the girl knows what she wants :)